Monday, March 1, 2010

Scripster - interactive scala REPL using telnet, http etc

As mentioned before, I think that all apps must alllow scripted/programatic access to their objects.

I created a simple interactive gate to acces the scala REPL in any scala process. It only uses one port and supports telnet, http and swing:

The graphics are based on my 20widgets project, with the addition of a ScriptPad widget.

Content assist is only available in the telnet version (sic!). I will work to find some nice syntax-colored controls for the web version. Switch to character mode ("mode character" on ubuntu or default on windows) and use TAB to see a list of options. Right now it's a demo only, I need to find the parser's APIs to get the real content assist options ;)

You can download the single scripster-dist.jar file from my razpub project download, at and run the example with this command line (replace /host/bin/scala with your $SCALA_HOME) :

java -classpath ./scripster-dist.jar:/host/bin/scala/lib/scala-library.jar:/host/bin/scala/lib/scala-compiler.jar:/host/bin/scala/lib/scala-swing.jar razie.scripster.JScalapSwing

To use it in your process, put these jars in your classpath and use this:
where 4445 is the port you want to use, see the razie.scripster.MainScripster for an example. To enable the swing version, use the swing jars as well and see the razie.scripster.MainSwingScripster class for an example.

For further tweaking, look at the code yourself, at

If you want to keep in touch with the evolution of scripster or my other related endeavours, subscribe to the RSS feed or twitter/razie.

Scripster's main page, kept up-to-date, is at There's also an online live demo at



  1. Just tried this, but got a bunch of exceptions - what did I do wrong?

  2. sorry - just noticed this and left a comment on the gist...just a few months late...
